Frequently Asked Questions about Gunlake Concrete and Gunlake Quarries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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There are on average around 75‐82 laden trucks per day. (one laden truck equals 2 truck movements)

This will progressively increase over 10‐15 years to approximately 220 laden trucks per day. (The Johnniefelds quarry is scheduled to close resulting in approximately 50 less trucks per day along the haul roads)

Trucks can use the haul route via the bypass road 24hrs per day expect between 6pm Saturday and 2am Monday. Trucks can use the haul route through Marulan Monday to Saturday from 6am‐7pm

We have a driver code of conduct which restricts drivers to a maximum of 80 kph between the quarry and the Hume Highway. Gunlake staff regularly drive the haul route at various times throughout the day and monitor the speed of trucks. To report truck driver misconduct please contact the quarry with the details.

The Community Consultative Committee (CCC) is currently taking this up with Council as part of the section 94 review. The intersection of Brayton Road and Bypass Road was constructed by RMS who have agreed to rectify this area.

Yes. Gunlake staff regularly drive the haul route at various times throughout the day and monitor truck driver behaviour, If you see anyone throwing rubbish from trucks , we ask you to report this to the quarry.

The Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) commits Gunlake to address traffic and transport in their Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).

The current plan is on Gunlake's website. The updated TMP, as a result of Modification 2, is currently with the DPE awaiting approval and will be published on the website once approved.

The CCC has tabled it for Council consideration.

The road surface has been improved to lessen the noise of both laden and unladed trucks. The increase in associated truck movements will increase noise emissions. It is important to note that increases in noise emissions do not result in a linear increase in perceived additional noise. For example, doubling noise emissions will generally only increase noise levels at receivers by about 3 dB. Quarry traffic noise levels will be comprehensively assessed in the EIS, as required in the SEARs.